ICF Youth Development Award

Follow the Light of Camp; Explore your Journey of Development;
Shape your Best Self

Initiated as a project of the International Camping Fellowship (ICF), the Youth Development Award integrates the value and values of camp education into the daily lives of youth and adults outside their times on a camp experience. Register now on a personal journey alongside a global community.

International Camping Fellowship (ICF)
growing together as a global camp community

The International Camping Fellowship (ICF) was founded in 1987, is recognized as an leading authority in the camp education community worldwide. Based upon a vision of "bringing together the world through outdoor experience" for nearly 40 years ICF has provided a platform to promote global camp education, exchange and cooperation, to connect industry experts from more than 100 countries, to share knowledge and practical experience of camp and outdoor education, and to present research that validates the important work camp professionals do for youth. Every three years ICF hosts a World Camp Conference to communicate, collaborate and celebrate this world of youth development bringing a positive difference to the world.

ICF Youth Development Award
Empowering Youth to Rise Again

The pandemic brought huge challenges to the physical and mental development of youth and adult around the world. ICF presents "ICF Youth Development Award" as a remedy for these challenges and a route to achieving greater goals in life. The The program invites participants to find a 'camp' approach in their daily life. The mission is to "promote the comprehensive sustainable development of each person", under the framework of balanced development advocated by the program. Participants are encouraged to recognize and respect their individual characteristics, to explore their strengths, to take a strong stand in the torrent of change, and to move towards a promising future together.

Promote self-management, Chart the path of growth
Personal account to accompany every participant's journey

Combining national education plans with globally recognized 21st century educational philosophy, the YDA framework allows participants to choose their own combination of interests, challenges and activities.The award is designed to serve all age groups and to provide advanced paths as participants proceed towards becoming their best self.

Award Value and Gains
ICF Certification Recognizes Your Growth for Every Step

Youth Development Award provides participants with a rich tapestry for learning and growth. At every age stage participants 'own their journey' choosing their path, picking their challenge and recording their progress.

  • Personal Growth and Life Skills

    Participants develop various personal skills and qualities, including leadership, communication, decision-making, innovative thinking and problem-solving. These skills are critical for any future career and for life.

  • Social Interaction

    These goals bring together young people from different backgrounds and cultures provide participants with opportunities to build friendship with others and make international connections. Social growth broadens horizons and perspective - fostering cultural understanding and respect.

  • Confidence and Independence

    Participants are presented with 'stretching' opportunities to solve problems, take responsibility, reach beyond their comfort zone and make personal choices. Facing adversity and independence helps participants become more confident dealing with other life challenges.

  • Global Education and Cultural Understanding

    Participants have the opportunity to learn about the lifestyles, values and traditions of fellow participants in other countries and cultures. Global education promotes cultural, geographical and environmental understanding.

  • Teamwork

    Camp education often requires participants to work together as a team to complete tasks. Collaboration and cooperation helps develop a sense of team, coordination skills and abilities with conflict resolution.

  • Outdoor Adventure and Health

    YDA programs include challenges to engage in outdoor activities and sports, helping participants maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle, enhancing physical fitness and developing a spirit of adventure.

Participant Stories
Outside the Camp, Inside the Life

"Life is not a rehearsal. We live each day as if it is the real thing - because it is."

Join the ICF Youth Development Award
  • How to Participate - Individual

    Choose your journey to your best self.

  • How to Participate - Mentors

    YDA welcomes educators, schools and institutions to cooperate with ICF to promote youth development through 'camp education'. Enrich your program and your community for youth and students in your care. Create a better tomorrow for them and for us all.

Stay in touch
Join us and register as a member of the ICF Youth Family